Blazor App in .NET 6 with C# and WebAssembly - Displays a List
A Single Page Blazor App developed in .NET 6 with C# and WebAssembly - Displays a List
Traditional webhosting is used for this Application
A boilerplate ready for serving Node Express TypeScript ESlint Prettier Jest Supertest and Husky
The code at GitHub14-February-2024
A Webpack 5 boilerplate with Angular
Try the demo...A Webpack 5 boilerplate with Angular 8. The demo App serve the Angular logo, a Webpack logo and shows routing and compiled Sass styles. Bootstrap CSS was used to make the demo mobile friendly.
Node Express REST API Role based Membership system with Email Verification and Forgot Password using Sequelize ORM towards a MySQL DB - Authentication by JWT
Volta was used for Node Version Management switching between Node versions
Functionality of the Web App
Tech used for building the Web App
A minimal REST API in .NET 6 with C#
Traditional webhosting is used for this Application
Try the demo...A minimal Web API created by VS Code using .NET 6
The Web API at GitHub