A Blog full of Web Projects

A Blog full of Web Projects

Node Express ORM Role based Membership system Email notification


Node Express Sequelize ORM React TypeScript MySQL Role based Membership system using Email notification and Forgot Password

The Node Web API is hosted at Microsoft Azure App Service with the Free App Service Plan

The clients are hosted at GH Pages and at a traditional Web Hotel

The React client at GH Pages uses DevOps. The React HashRouter solves most 404 / Browser refresh issues at GH Pages

A Membership System with Authentication, User registration with Email verification and Forgot Password functionality. Secured by HTTPS, CORS and Bcrypt. For Authentication JWT access Tokens are used securing the private routes of the Web API. For testing the authentication / access token will expire after 15 minutes and a new Login is needed.

Volta was used for Node Version Management switching between Node versions

A Blog made with Gatsby React and GraphQL