- .NET 8 REST API Membership system + Email verification - Azure and GH Pages
.NET 8 REST API at Azure with C# using Entity Framework Core + MS SQL consuming an Angular 14 Client at GH Pages - serving as a Membership System
Unit Testing:
- Karma + Jasmine - Used with the Angular Client
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The Web API was made without the ASP.NET Core Identity using custom JWT middleware
Functionality of the Web App
- JWT authentication with Refresh Tokens
- Refresh token rotation
- Revoked token reuse detection
- Email sign up and verification
- Forgot password and reset password functionality
- Role based authorization with two roles "User" and "Admin"
- CRUD Account management routes with role based access control
Tech used for building the Web App
- C#
- The .NET 8 Web API is hosted at Azure App Service
- DevOps by Azure App Service + Repos for the .NET 8 Web API
- The Angular Client is hosted at GH Pages
- DevOps by GitHub Actions + Pages for the Angular Client
- MS SQL as the Database for both Dev + Prod
- CORS Policy implemented by .NET
- JWT Token for access secure routes
- Refresh Token by HTTP only Cookie to generate new JWT Tokens
- Swagger API documentation with routes
- .NET 8 REST API with Dapper SQLite and xUnit
.NET 8 REST API with C# and Dapper ORM + SQLite DB consuming an Angular 14 Client + Unit Testing
Unit Testing:
- xUnit - Used with one of the .NET Web API
- Karma + Jasmine - Used with the Angular Client
Coverage Reports are generated for visualize the result of Unit Testing ( .NET based xUnit )
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Dapper is a lightweight Micro-ORM which can be an alternative to Entity Framework Core ORM
SQLite is local DB and fine for testing and small applications
Traditional webhosting is used for this Application
- .NET 8 REST API Membership system + Email verification
.NET 8 REST API with C# using Entity Framework Core + SQLite consuming an Angular 14 Client - serving as a Membership System
Unit Testing:
- Karma + Jasmine - Used with the Angular Client
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The Web API was made without the ASP.NET Core Identity using custom JWT middleware
Functionality of the Web App
- JWT authentication with Refresh Tokens
- Refresh token rotation
- Revoked token reuse detection
- Email sign up and verification
- Forgot password and reset password functionality
- Role based authorization with two roles "User" and "Admin"
- CRUD Account management routes with role based access control
Tech used for building the Web App
- C#
- The .NET 8 Web API is hosted at a traditional Webhotel
- The Angular Client is hosted at a traditional Webhotel
- SQLite as the Database for both Dev + Prod
- CORS Policy implemented by .NET
- JWT Token for access secure routes
- Refresh Token by HTTP only Cookie to generate new JWT Tokens
- Swagger API documentation with routes
- .NET 8 REST API doing Authentication by JWT and Refresh Tokens
Angular client towards a REST API by .NET 8 with C# using JWT and Refresh Tokens for Authentication
Traditional webhosting is used for this Application
The Web API was made without the ASP.NET Core Identity using custom JWT middleware
Functionality of the Web App
- JWT authentication with Refresh Tokens
- Refresh token rotation
- Revoked token reuse detection
Tech used for building the Web App
- C#
- The .NET 8 Web API is hosted at a traditional Webhotel
- The Angular Client is hosted at a traditional Webhotel
- SQLite as the Database for both Dev + Prod
- CORS Policy implemented by .NET
- JWT Token for access secure routes
- Refresh Token by HTTP only Cookie to generate new JWT Tokens
By using JWT + Refresh Tokens the security will be improved. The JWT can have a reduced time to live and therefor less likely to be stolen
- Webpack 5 boilerplate with Angular
A Webpack 5 boilerplate with Angular
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The code at GitHubA Webpack 5 boilerplate with Angular 8. The demo App serve the Angular logo, a Webpack logo and shows routing and compiled Sass styles. Bootstrap CSS was used to make the demo mobile friendly.
- .NET Core 2.2 REST API Role based Membership system
ASP.NET Core 2.2 REST API with C# towards Angular and React serving as Role based Membership system
Traditional webhosting is used for this Application
A Web API role based Membership System for authentication and registration managing Users by an Angular or React client / ASP.NET Core 2.2 Web API with C# secured by HTTPS and Authentication by a JWT
Administrate Posts by an Angular client and the Web API after a successfully login